General Terms and Conditions Career Services of the University of Lucerne


The Career Services of the University of Lucerne (hereinafter referred to as Career Services UNILU) offer products and services for campus recruiting, career counseling, application support, personnel marketing and sponsoring in order to bring students, doctoral candidates and postdocs in each case up to one year after exmatriculation as well as other members of the University of Lucerne (hereinafter referred to as User) and private or public companies or authorities (hereinafter referred to as Customer) into contact with each other. These provisions apply in connection with the provision of these products and services. 

1. Scope

These General Terms and Conditions shall apply between Career Services UNILU and its customers and users. Deviating provisions shall only be valid if they have been expressly accepted by Career Services UNILU in writing. 


2. Conclusion of contract, written form and duration of contract

The customer selects the services to be provided by Career Services UNILU from the range of services available at the time the order is placed. The respective contract shall be concluded when Career Services UNILU confirms the order or partnership in writing or when the service offer (advertisement, event, partnership package, other) is published on the website ( The written form shall be complied with by sending an e-mail. A new contract is concluded for each service offer. The contract comes into effect with the General Terms and Conditions applicable at the time of conclusion of the contract.

The duration of the contract is based on the information in the service overview or is mutually agreed upon individually. The contract duration of the partnership packages is valid for one year and is automatically extended by a further year in each case, unless the agreement is terminated at least three months before the end of the contract.


3. Early termination of contract

Career Services UNILU reserves the right to cancel an offer at any time, without prior notice and without incurring any costs or damages, and without stating reasons. The customer has no recourse to legal action. Deletion will occur in particular if Career Services UNILU has concerns regarding the content or context. If Career Services UNILU incurs damages as a result, recourse will be taken against the customer.


4. Liability or exclusion of liability

The liability of Career Services UNILU is limited to intent and gross negligence. Liability for consequential damages is excluded. Career Services UNILU shall not be liable for the accuracy of the content provided by customers through the offers on the Career Services UNILU website. The services of Career Services UNILU are provided via the open Internet or via a password-protected platform. Career Services UNILU can therefore not guarantee the uninterrupted availability or the absence of errors of its services. The non-appearance of an advertisement or an offer or the placement in a different location on the Career Services UNILU website does not entitle the user to claim damages.


5. Content of advertisements and offers of the customers on the website.

The customer bears sole responsibility for the content of his/her advertisements. He/she undertakes to publish only legally permissible advertisements via Career Services UNILU and, in particular, to refrain from racist, pornographic and personality-injurious advertisements. By accepting these GTC's, the customer confirms that his/her advertisement or offer is ethically, morally and legally correct and does not violate the interests of the University of Lucerne. Career Services UNILU reserves the right, without prior warning and justification, not to place advertisements or offers that do not meet these requirements, or to delete them without giving reasons and without incurring any costs or damages. By placing an order, the customer consents to the publication of his/her advertisements and offers on the Career Services UNILU website.


6. Data protection

With the website (, the customer can view the personnel data of users, provided that they have released their data for viewing. The customer is obligated to treat confidentially the user names and passwords assigned to him/her that grant access to the profile database and to make these accessible only to authorized persons within the company. The customer may only use the personal data for the agreed purpose, i.e. for recruiting interested job seekers. The customer is liable for damages if the user names and passwords assigned to him/her are misused. He/she is specifically prohibited from making personal data accessible to others without the consent of the person concerned. The customer is obliged to ensure compliance with the applicable data protection law. In particular, he/she must take appropriate organizational and technical measures to protect the personal data and comply with his/her obligation to provide information and make corrections. Interested users who decide to release all or part of their data give their consent for persons who have access to the system by means of a password to view their data.


7. Registration of users for the offers of the Career Services UNILU.

Registration is done by logging in ( In order to register for an event or apply for a position, users must create a profile. The users are responsible for the activation of their uploaded documents as well as the contents. Users cannot view the profiles of other users.


8. responsibility for data management and data content

The responsibility for the administration of data (such as uploading or updating data), account content and profiles lies exclusively with the customer.

The data as well as the account can be deactivated or completely deleted at any time. This can be done by the customer him/herself or upon notification by Career Services UNILU.


9. Provision of the Service

Career Service UNILU reserves the right to involve third parties in the provision of services or to have these services performed by third parties. The provision of services shall take place within the scope of the available capacities. Career Service UNILU shall be entitled to temporarily suspend, postpone or cancel services for important reasons (labor disputes, force majeure, failure of executing third parties). In case of full or partial suspension of the service, the contract will be adjusted. This is valid unless the customer objects in writing within 14 days.


10. Regulations of the venue for events at the University of Lucerne.

The customer agrees to abide by the house rules and other regulations of the venue.


11. Price

The price is based on the information in the service overview.


12. payment modalities

Invoices issued by UNILU on behalf of Career Services UNILU are due within 30 days. The debtor of Career Services UNILU shall be immediately in default upon expiration of 30 days from the date of issuance of the invoice. From this point in time, Career Services UNILU shall be free to withdraw from the contract and discontinue its services without setting a grace period.


13. Career Day

13.1. General

The Career Day is an event of the University of Lucerne, which is organized and carried out by one representative of each faculty of the University of Lucerne. The organization and implementation of the Career Day is coordinated by Career Services UNLU. During the Career Day, clients meet users of the University of Lucerne. During the event, registered clients/users will have the opportunity to present themselves at a booth.

13.2. Contract conclusion

Registration for the Career Day takes place via registration on the website ( The contract is concluded with the confirmation of the registration by Career Services UNILU.

13.3. Admission of customers

Participation in Career Day is primarily open to customers who wish to advertise themselves as employers for UNILU users and who have specific positions to fill.

13.4. Prices

The prices indicated online as well as the written offers and the prices in the confirmation are binding.

13.5. Withdrawal from the contract

If the customer cancels the contract up to 20 days before the start of the Career Day, a cost contribution of CHF 100.00 is due to cover the expenses. In case of a later cancellation, the entire participation costs are owed. Cancellations can only be made in writing.

13.6. Order of consideration of customers

Customers reserve their stand space via the website. Places will generally be allocated according to the date of receipt of the registration (according to the principle "first come first served"). However, the decision on the final stand location rests with Career Services UNILU.

13.7. Insurance and security

Insurance coverage is the responsibility of the customers. The customers themselves are responsible for safety at their stand or in the rooms made available to them.

13.8. Stand design

Customers will be given a table at the venue.

The sale of products to persons is prohibited. The receipt of a purchase commitment is also considered a sale in this sense, even if the delivery or payment of the order is made at a later date directly or through the trade. An exception to this rule requires express authorization. Surveys and distribution of brochures, leaflets, samples and the like are only permitted at the exhibitor's own stand. An exception to this rule requires the express permission of the University of Lucerne. In the event of violations, Career Services UNILU is entitled to close the stand, without any claims against Career Services UNILU being able to be derived from this.

14. Disclaimer

Career Service UNILU excludes any liability to the extent permitted by law.

15. Final provision

Career Services UNILU reserves the right to change these Terms of Use at any time. The changes will be communicated to the customers and users in an appropriate manner. Swiss law is exclusively applicable. The place of jurisdiction is the city of Lucerne.